Industrial finishing equipment
We know very well that each customer is unique and has specific needs; our consultancy can help you find the best solution.
Start your search by garment.
Barbanti offers a vast range of machines for industrial finishing to meet all the needs of various sectors; from wet cleaning to dry cleaning, from clothes manufacturing to Horeca, for hotels and communities.
High quality, certified and patented professional equipment.
High performance, energy saving systems, with particular attention to the operator’s comfort and the work environment.
Optimisation of resources with heat recovery, condensate recirculation and stand-by activation, now available on all our models.
Did you know that machines can consume over 60% even when not in use?
CB Smart is the new Barbanti platform that allows you to:
Difficulties in finding qualified personnel?
High running costs?
Difficulty managing peaks and troughs?
Our exhibition video
Through innovation and environmental awareness, we have integrated advanced solutions to manage our energy impact in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.
For years, we have been looking for cutting-edge solutions that enable our customers to achieve optimal production performance and quality, reduce energy consumption and, at the same time, enjoy a healthier working environment.
Barbanti starts like this. With an initial consultation, capable of organising each department as best as possible. Something not to be underestimated.
Progettazione e produzione di impianti per lo stiro industriale.
Un partner all’avanguardia, con più di 40 anni di esperienza capace di offrire una consulenza
e un servizio completo, personalizzato e di alta qualità.
La ditta Barbanti offre una vasta gamma di macchine per lo stiro industriale per soddisfare tutte le esigenze nei vari settori; dal wet cleaning alla lavanderia a secco, dalla confezione ad Horeca, per hotel e comunità.
Attrezzature professionali di alta qualità, certificate e brevettate.
Elevate prestazioni, sistemi di risparmio energetico ed un’attenzione particolare al confort dell’operatore e all’ambiente di lavoro.
Un caso di successo
Impianto a Bologna per sgrossare e stirare a livello industriale
pantaloni classici e jeans di qualsiasi tessuto e taglia.
Barbanti s.r.l.
Via di Mezzo, 78
41037 Mirandola (MO)
Tel. (+39) 0535.20023
Fax (+39) 0535.26274
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